Thursday, February 28, 2008

Looking Further Out (Small, 36Mb)

This video is sized for video ipods, save the file by Ctrl-click on the image (mac) or right click (PC) and click "save link as.." to download this movie. 36MB 3:10.

Looking Further Out (Medium, 87Mb)

This video is 540p in size and is best for play on home/office computers. 87MB 3:10.

Looking Further Out (LARGE, 299Mb)

Ctrl-click on the image (mac) or right click (PC) and click "save link as.." to download this movie. Downloading to your computer rather than an automatic start may make it easier to manage this large file. This video is a full 1080p in format so is best seen on a full HD big screen display. As this is such a large file, only attempt downloading if you have a VERY fast connection. If you are successful in downloading and playing, please comment as I suspect few people are able to do this. I plan to have more 1080p movies in the near future. 299MB 3:10.

SSA '08 Convention Interviews: Jonker Brothers

At the 2008 SSA convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I continued doing interviews as I had done at the 2007 convention. I'll be posting the interviews as I finish editing them.

Click picture to play this movie (25Mb).
First up is a conversation with Uys and Attie Jonker, developers of the JS-1 Revelation sailplane. 3:41.

Crater Lake Flight May '07: GPS trace file

Ctrl-click here (mac) or right click (PC) and click "save link as.." to download the igc flight file.

Crater Lake Flight May '07 (Small 77Mb)

Click here to play movie (77Mb). This video is sized for video ipods. 11:39.

Crater Lake Flight May '07 (Medium, 190Mb)

Click here to play movie (190Mb). 11:39.